Cancellation and Refund Conditions

Early return on rental:
If the vehicle is returned before the booking end date after the rental period has started, no refund will be made.
Extending the rental date:
After the rental period starts, if there is a request to rent the vehicle for longer than the reservation date range, the system will recalculate the price and collect the additional fee to be incurred.
No-Show requirement:
If the vehicle is not arbitrarily picked up at the pick-up time specified in the reservation (such as special circumstances; flight and bus delays), the vehicle will switch to No-Show status after 2 hours and your reservation will be canceled at the end of 4 hours.
Cancellation and Refund requirement:
Reservations can be canceled 24 hours before the reservation time on the date of reservation, and in such a case, you will not be charged any fees. If you have made your reservation less than 24 hours before the rental start time, no fee will be charged if you cancel within 1 hour of completing your reservation.